While Next.js isn't a traditional static site generator, its support for more dynamic rendering methods in addition to build-time rendering makes it a very polyvalent choice – just like Astro, which boasts a similar feature set.
链接到某一部分Validation Tools
Validation tools might not be as popular as they once were, but they're still a useful item to have in your web developer toolbelt.
链接到某一部分Performance Tools
Similar to the accessibility tools chart, Lighthouse and browser devtools top the ranking, once again showing that polyvalent tools tend to be more popular than their more specialized counterparts.
链接到某一部分Analytics Tools
Google Analytics might still dominate, but more privacy-friendly alternative such as Plausible or Fathom are gaining ground.
Once you look beyond the big four browsers, there's actually a surprising amount of variety in this space, with new entrants like Arc, Brave, and Zen; and developer-focused options such as Polypane.
链接到某一部分Web Platform Resources
MDN and Can I Use have earned their spot as key resources for the web development community – but keep an eye out for the WebDX group's work around Web Features, a promising new initiative.